OpenAI GTP-4o Now Available in Azure OpenAI Service

OpenAI GTP-4o Now Available in Azure OpenAI Service

Today, OpenAI announced the the new GPT-4o multi-modal model that integrates text, video, and audio capabilities. This new GPT-4o version raises the standard for generative and conversational AI. This new version has some really amazing AI features, like real-time...

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Configure Scheduled Trigger in GitHub Actions using Cron expression

Configure Scheduled Trigger in GitHub Actions using Cron expression

There are many times when scheduled triggers are very useful when configuring GitHub Actions workflows. Luckily, GitHub Actions supports the ability to configure scheduled triggers that includes support for using cron expressions to define the schedule timing. In this...

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OpenAI GTP-4o Now Available in Azure OpenAI Service

OpenAI GTP-4o Now Available in Azure OpenAI Service

Today, OpenAI announced the the new GPT-4o multi-modal model that integrates text, video, and audio capabilities. This new GPT-4o version raises the standard for generative and conversational AI. This new version has some really amazing AI features, like real-time...

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